
To be an Ecuadorian company manufacturer and marketer of banana and tuber snack more recognized and priority for the international and domestic market that meets the needs of customers through the application of cutting-edge processes and sustainable development with the environment, economic, productive and social.


To provide the best snacks based on plantain and tubers with high standards of safety and quality that satisfy the needs of customers and consumers, contributing with innovation and innovation and quality standards that satisfy the needs of customers and consumers, contributing with permanent innovation, qualified and quality standards that satisfy the needs of customers and consumers, contributing with permanent innovation, qualified human talent and compliance with our social responsibility.


Respectful treatment - Clear and honest communication - Labor Responsibility - Competitiveness and Innovation - Labor Integrity - Constancy and Discipline - Self-critical evaluation.



Ensures efficient operations and supports the company’s growth with professionalism and dedication.

Quality control

Guarantees the snaks consistently meets the highest standards of freshness and excellence, ensuring superior quality in every batch.


Handles every step of the process, ensuring that each snack is made with precision and delivered with the highest quality.