At Emexfruits, we are fortunate to be located in El Carmen, the golden gateway to Manabí, known for producing the world’s best plantains. Our Barraganete plantains stand out for their firm texture and unmatched flavor, perfect for creating crunchy, delicious snacks. Our commitment to quality ensures that each plantain is carefully selected, delivering a final product that delights our customers with its freshness and taste.
Cassava is a staple crop in Ecuador, vital both as a dietary staple and for its economic significance to local farmers. It’s a rich source of carbohydrates and energy, and its ease of cultivation makes it sustainable. At EmexFruits, we take pride in working closely with local farmers to ensure the freshness and quality of our products. We offer our customers a delightful experience that celebrates the authentic taste of this valuable crop in Ecuadorian cuisine.
Sweet potato, also known as batata, is an iconic crop in Ecuador, valued for its culinary versatility and nutritional benefits. This tuber is an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients, making it a healthy choice for the whole family. Our company is dedicated to transforming sweet potatoes into delicious, artisanal snacks made with fresh, natural ingredients. We work hand in hand with local farmers, ensuring not only the quality of our products but also supporting the rural community.
In Ecuador, bananas are an important crop and a key source of nutrition. Our company focuses on transforming this fruit into delicious snacks while preserving its natural essence and properties. Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a healthy diet. We work with local farmers to select the best bananas, turning them into healthy and tasty products like chips, bars, and other snacks. Our production process is sustainable and environmentally friendly, ensuring that every bite is not only delicious but also responsible.
Discover the taste and nutrition of Ecuadorian Malanga in our delicious snacks. This native tuber is a culinary gem, rich in fiber, vitamin E, and essential minerals, making it a superfood for a healthy life. Our company connects with the roots of the land, joining forces with passionate local producers who cultivate the finest Malanga in Ecuador’s fertile soils, where the climate and land impart a unique flavor. Our Malanga snacks perfectly combine tradition and innovation, preserving the essence of this ancient tuber. Enjoy our chips, purées, and other products, ideal for those seeking a healthy and delicious diet. Experience the taste of Ecuador in every bite!